
A board book for the youngest kids age 0-2+. The books are published in Sweden (Contact Littlephant), Norway (Samlaget) and Denmark (Alvilda).
If you want to buy the books, please contact the Publishing House for the language you are interested in and they will guide you to where to buy it.

Littlephants Numbers ( Lillefantens räknebok )
ISBN 978-91-29-67345-6

Littlephant teach you how to use numbers and to calculate in a fun and inspiring way! A book for kids age 2-5.


Finally me! ( Äntligen jag! )
ISBN 978-91-29-67573-3

Littlephant_Antligenjag_RGB_WEBfinally me_first year book

Baby’s First Year Memories for Life, A colourful journal of milestone moments. A book for kids age 0-3.


The Baby’s rhymes ( Bebisens roliga rim och ramsor )
ISBN 978-91-29-67345-6

bebisens roliga rim och ramsor

To rhyme and play together with your baby is a great way to bond. It also creates rythm- and balance skills, and gives the baby a fantastic introduction to words and language. This anthology gives you both traditional and new Swedish rhymes. A book for kids age 2-5.


The Baby´s songs ( Bebisens roliga visor & verser )
ISBN 978-91-29-67027-1


To sing and play together with your baby is a great way to bond. It also creates rythm- and language skills, and gives the baby a fantastic introduction to music and words. This anthology gives you both traditional and new Swedish songs. A book for kids age 2-5.