Board books

A board book for the youngest kids age 0-2+. The books are published in Sweden (Contact Littlephant), Norway (Samlaget) and Denmark (Alvilda).
If you want to buy the books, please contact the Publishing House for the language you are interested in and they will guide you to where to buy it.


Finally Poo! ( Äntligen bajs! ) ISBN: 978-91-29-67453-8

Littlephant learn how to use the potty!


Finally Bed time! ( Äntligen Godnatt! ) ISBN: 978-91-29-67028-8

Board books Äntligen godnatt
Littlephant, Kanina and Mascot are going to bed. First they have to change to pyamas, wash their faces, brush their teeth and use the potty, then it´s finally time to go to bed where Papaphant reads a story until they all fall asleep.

Finally Rain! ( Äntligen regn! ) ISBN: 978-91-29-67029-5

Board books Äntligen regn about

Littlephant, Kanina and Mascot loves rain. They want to play outside but first they have to get dressed in their special rain clothes, rain coats, rubber boots and rain caps. Then they can play with the water and have lots of fun.


Finally food! ( Äntligen mat! ) ISBN: 978-91-29-67112-4

Board books Äntligen mat about

Littlephant, Mascot and Kanina are hungry and their stomachs makes strange noises! Mamaphant cooks vegetable soup and fruit dessert and everybody helps her out in the kitchen. Then it´s time to eat with spoon and fork but first they have to put their bib on. After the meal they all get sleepy and rest for a while to get new energy for play.


Finally birthday!  ( Äntligen fest! ) ISBN: 978-91-29-67111-7

board books Äntligen kalas about

Littlephant is turning three years old and he´s having a birthday party. All his friends are invited, he get presents and they sing to him. It´s time to eat cake and Littlephant blows the candles out. Then all the friends play together and get a surprise from Papaphant before it´s time to go home.


Finally Syblings! ( Äntligen syskon! ) ISBN: 978-91-29-67454-5


Littlephant is waiting for his baby sister to be born. He has lots of questions and thought of how it will be to share his parents with another child, what she looks like and most importantly if she is going to like to play soccer.
This is a great book to prepare your toddler for a new sibling.